>I literally can’t remember Election Day 2020

Funny, wife and I were just discussing this, it's really fuzzy for both of us too. I remember the 2000 election far better, let alone 2016. We chalked it up to being fresh out of the hospital with a newborn in 2020. But maybe there was just something about that year and the fog of Covid. Awful time to be in the hospital with a newborn, by the way: no one could visit, no one could leave, even for a breath of fresh air.

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whew, yeah. 2020 with a newborn sounds like something worth actively blocking from the mind. Our twins were born in 2019, happily, so 2020 didn't feel quite so bad at the personal level, because with two babies, we'd have been home a lot anyway.

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Rejoice in the Lord always, and again (Paul said) rejoice. I need to have an exclamation point but I do not yet. Emotions catch up to an act of my weak human will. As I wrote earlier, I wrote in Michael Pence, as a statement in support of a man who showed integrity in simply doing his job. I will write something here that I am careful not to be too public with. It is reported that many "evangelicals" vote for better economy. I want godly prosperity but should that inhabit first place. Mr. Trump is a convicted felon, harbors misogyny, has disdained the Constitution, and threatened retribution. If he does what he promised, we may see the EPA eviscerated. I perhaps not but I spent 40 years in industrial air pollution control. I don't hug trees but I care deeply about protecting and preserving the environment. Stewardship is lost on many. All that aside, my greatest concern is that Mr. Trump has not repented in any way. He lies. His belief that God spared him "to save the nation" could be chilling. I will not fear but such a thought was expressed by Hitler. Such a thought comes from an anti-christ spirit. We can come to no other conclusion on that. Now, we are not Germany in the 1930's. We have a stronger true testimony of Christ among us. Some among the ministry think "Christian nationalism" is a leftist invented term. Not so. Too many "Christians" say born again but cannot see the kingdom. Overall, I think the ministry should never speak about politics except to say, honor and respect authority even if it wants you to shut up, or wants you dead. I thought you did a very good job on your CT piece today.

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