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What is trust? You call this untrustworthy? I am alone working to write down clearly upon my tablet a vision to foster trust. So it is I find your book title interesting. I found you because I found truth in a thought you had from a article you wrote for a major conservative outlet. It suggested basically this generation was to weak for war. Knowing this and being peace loving people how can we make change within our own lives first to establish character and trust and our communities? The answer is that I would have to be such a wonderfully almost good system that everyone would have to stand to benefit greatly. Contact me on how you can have a second book. A follow up to untrustworthiness. A solution. This is not a advertising calling. This is a answer to following Jesus in that age to come which is now. However, as I am not Jesus and merely am abiding in the blood ban open to discussion and have a willingness to repent if I am in error. How can we chat?

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