I can probably throw one your way when I become eligible. A mutual friend of ours got me in last week, right before the rush. But if you choose not: I completely understand. You are a better, more disciplined person than I!
Two suggested Bibles for you (these are affilate links):
1- The International Children's Bible New Testament is a word for word New Testament that is fully illustrated, frame by frame, in a somewhat but not really comic style: https://amzn.to/3rhDCbQ
This is the NT verse by verse in the ICB translation. When you look it up on Amazon you will also see suggested O.T. books from the same series that are sold in individual volumes.
2- Bible Now! from the American Bible Society, still adapted, but closer to what you are looking for, and fully illustrated (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3NF3vcX
thanks, Phoebe! I will look into these. I don't love the comic style for reading to kids who can't read yet, because you have to point to each character to indicate who's speaking, but that might be good for a year or two from now when they're reading on their own.
So, as soon as I find my copy of this Bible, I will take a photo of it for you. It's not exactly comic -- there are not speech bubbles or things like that. Rather, it just illustrates the text frame by frame. So you are still reading the Bible, verse by verse, and the verses are broken up on the page next to each illustration. Usually the beginning of each chapter gets a full page. If they were to enlarge each frame, it would be the exact Bible you are looking for--several verses of the Bible on each page, illustrated. I have been reading it aloud to my 7 year old because he is also past the simplified illustrated and paraphrased children's Bible, but his reading level is not yet up to where he could read the New Testament on his own.
Hm, it looks like I can't actually attach photos here, but I created a link to 4 photos from Google Photos so you can see what some of the inside pages look like: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EsihirY1zfaLiDgB6
There are some speech bubbles when there is actually dialogue, as you will see, so in those cases you would have to point to the speaker on the page. But what I like about it is that it is still verse by verse, without skipping, and verse numbers are marked so you can always cross reference with a different translation if you wanted to check a verse.
What you need is the Aelfred Rex Bible! Beautiful engravings (no modern comic-style illustrations) and lots of text straight from the Bible. We love ours so much!
You won't get on Twitter that much now that you're back.
It'll be Bluesky....
I don't have an invite! Not sure that I want one, tbh, though I guess if one appeared I'd check it out.
I can probably throw one your way when I become eligible. A mutual friend of ours got me in last week, right before the rush. But if you choose not: I completely understand. You are a better, more disciplined person than I!
Two suggested Bibles for you (these are affilate links):
1- The International Children's Bible New Testament is a word for word New Testament that is fully illustrated, frame by frame, in a somewhat but not really comic style: https://amzn.to/3rhDCbQ
This is the NT verse by verse in the ICB translation. When you look it up on Amazon you will also see suggested O.T. books from the same series that are sold in individual volumes.
2- Bible Now! from the American Bible Society, still adapted, but closer to what you are looking for, and fully illustrated (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3NF3vcX
thanks, Phoebe! I will look into these. I don't love the comic style for reading to kids who can't read yet, because you have to point to each character to indicate who's speaking, but that might be good for a year or two from now when they're reading on their own.
So, as soon as I find my copy of this Bible, I will take a photo of it for you. It's not exactly comic -- there are not speech bubbles or things like that. Rather, it just illustrates the text frame by frame. So you are still reading the Bible, verse by verse, and the verses are broken up on the page next to each illustration. Usually the beginning of each chapter gets a full page. If they were to enlarge each frame, it would be the exact Bible you are looking for--several verses of the Bible on each page, illustrated. I have been reading it aloud to my 7 year old because he is also past the simplified illustrated and paraphrased children's Bible, but his reading level is not yet up to where he could read the New Testament on his own.
Oh, ok, that sounds very promising, then!
Hm, it looks like I can't actually attach photos here, but I created a link to 4 photos from Google Photos so you can see what some of the inside pages look like: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EsihirY1zfaLiDgB6
There are some speech bubbles when there is actually dialogue, as you will see, so in those cases you would have to point to the speaker on the page. But what I like about it is that it is still verse by verse, without skipping, and verse numbers are marked so you can always cross reference with a different translation if you wanted to check a verse.
ah, this is above and beyond! thank you so much :)
Bibles? Kids? My love language :)
What you need is the Aelfred Rex Bible! Beautiful engravings (no modern comic-style illustrations) and lots of text straight from the Bible. We love ours so much!
I wrote briefly about the children’s Bible in this piece about our homeschool morning routine: [https://substack.com/@shannonhood/p-142974769]