start with war crimes. All the presidents since Clinton droned civilians. Obama droned US citizens. On the way out of Afghanistan we droned an innocent family. Oopsie ? and no one even lost their jobs let alone got prosecuted?

Then you'll have a basis for something other than selective enforcement and impeachments. Once you've done that, expand to inciting riots and other domestic noise.

PS - I think Trump is a moron, and am embarrassed I voted for Obama 2x, thinking he'd change a few things. I'm decidedly anti being on team red or blue

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I agree all that should be addressed too—Obama came in talking about investigating Bush-era torture only to quickly walk it back (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/31/obama-justice-department-immunity-bush-cia-torturer). Unfortunately, I think that's an even bigger lift than this domestic stuff. At least there's *some* investigatory momentum here. There's zero movement there.

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